
The Leash Of My Troubles

Friday, February 27, 2004

A Patch of Sun

I am a honey colored dog
and my friend says nothing
is as sweet as me.
I like to sleep in soft
places and I like my freedom
in the afternoon
to find the sun as it passes
looking here and there
to find me. But I don't go
far. I look back from the sunbeam
I find in a patch of grass.
How I can not be afraid
he might leave?

by Tasha

Thursday, February 26, 2004

wote a poem

I wote a new poem taday. It's about what color I am, which is huny. I'm huny colored dog, an it's about dat. But Kyo, who is so furgitful, left da poems book we rite in down inna twuck inna twuck woom under da house. Butthed. He sez weel pwublish it tamawo. Otay.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

my vet visit

Kyo took me to da vet today. I was weely nerbus. So I'm goin' ta bed an I'll let Kyo splain it.

The vet says Tasha has a neoplasm on her hootyhoo. A perianal tumor or a rectal polyp. Because of her age (13) he doesn't wish to rush surgery. It's not a problem right now, though if it grows it will be. So we have to watch it and follow up in a month. If it doesn't grow and doesn't bother her, we'll just keep watching. But if it grows, she'll have to have surgery on her hootyhoo.

Please pray. Cute words don't make this funny.

Friday, February 20, 2004

dey moved my door

Dere is peeples at Happy's house bildin stuff, making da eatin room bigger, so us dogs hab more room to stand by da table an git stuff to eat. Wail, dey moved the door to da outside, to da yard wif da grass where we run an chase an pee an lay inna sun. First, where da door was, dere was just dis big board an no door, and we had ta go out dis udder door, which we neber go out of. Now our reglar door is back, but its inna difernt place!

I dont know how dey spect a little dog to figger dis stuff out, but whin it's all dun, we better gets lots of treats. Or sumbuddy's gittin bit but gud.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Kyle loves little dogs

I don haf a lot to rite about tonite. I spint about haf da day inna bedroom at Happy's house, cuz dem peeplz der is biltin us dogs a bigger dinin room. Derz all kinds of carpinter men and lectrishuns and stuff. So we dogs gottz hide so we don git mad an bite nobuddy.

So you shud go reed bout Kyle's advenshers wif a big dog , an why he loves little dogs like me. Dat big dog's lucky I wasint dere. I wuda set his clock fur him. Runrunnin around all crazy. Gives us cibilized dogs a bad name.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

ho hum

Today I didn't git to do nuffin good. I just laid around all day, an it rained. No walkies, no ridin' inna pikup truk, nuffin. At dinnertime, Kyo had soup an I nebber gits to hab soup. But one ting dat was gud was dat Kyo had deeze lil bitty krakers an he gave me sum 'cuz I was outta kookeez agin -- I tol you, it was one of dem daze -- an dem krakers was deelishus.

Wail, I gots ta spelchek dis an go git on my bloo bed. Nite!

Sunday, February 15, 2004

I met new peoples today

Tonight I gots to ride inna pickup truck wif Kyo. We went to dis place didn know an I waited inna pickup and fur a while I barked. Kyo wen in to talk to sum peeples, an inna while he came out and got me out and set me onna ground. Sum peeples cam up and pettid me an said oh whata kut doggie an stuff. I didn bite nobuddy, but I thot bout it. It was fun an den we went home.

Kyo's not feewin too gud. Sez he had a bad day. Poor Kyo. But he's got kookies for me, so dats gud.

Saturday, February 14, 2004

angel mutz

I menshuned that Kyo volunteers for helpin' pets. Our furind Mutz was a pet in need who had cancer. Kyo got to hep his daddy raise muny for treatmints. Mutz fot very long and very hard, wif lots of hep from his daddy and frinds. Now he dosint hav cancer enymore, cuz he wint on to da rainbow bridge. Happy and no pain wif all da pets dere. Wanna see? A very nice lady made a angel page for Mutz:
angel-mutz ... its beootiful.

Friday, February 13, 2004

Dogs come frum Asia?

I thot all dogs came from Scotland. Kyo sez a lot come frum mo-zeree. Turns out we wuz bof rong.

duh troof herts

Kyle was sittin’ here working at duh compooter, but he has to get up an take a brake. He was firsty, and ‘sides it was gittin sad. His dad dusint think he otts to git sad fur other peeples pets, but he duz. He’s just bilt dat way, I guess.

So he wuz goin through a bunch of e-faxes, cuz he volun-tears to help pets that git sick an hert and dere people don’t have muny for duh vet. An Kyle starts reedin all deez names, like dudly, bud, red, willie, sofee, dakota, eley, scoobie, and Kyle sez that when a peeple names a pet they know but try not think about the fakt that someday, dey gunna see dat name on a big bill frum duh vet. Sumday, dat names on a little plate on the lid of box. An dat’s the troof, Kyle sez.

Kyle sez it’s a choice of love over nothing, of grief over nothing. And between grief and nothing, he’ll chooz grief.

I say yeah. Dogs just love. We nose bout time goin’ on, and peeple alone, but we just love. So enyway, you wanna theenk a little less about that vet bill, dat little box? Spay and nooter yer pets. Take care of us. No joke.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

A Song for Rascal


My song begins at sundown
when the twilight wind comes up.
A cold wind, brushing
my hair and my tail.

Butterfly light is shining.
Butterflies lift me at nightfall,
and nothing hurts me now.
Look, the light is brighter than ...

See the little dogs come running!
See the bigger dogs come running!
See the kitties and dogs run together,
and all the animals singing.

by Tasha
based on a Pima Indian song

a sad day

Wail, I was gunna tell you bout gittin ta go inna pickup yesterday an stuff. But dis is not a happy day. We wanna say goodbye to Rascal. We needs ta say goodbye, cuz he was a good buddy onna innernet. He was 17 but he was wittle an not takin up much room inna werld or nuffin an its not faer. So we are sad. We are down in the grass sad. We are way back in the place under the desk sad.

Bye Rascal frend. We are raisin' a long howl for you and for your mommy and daddy. Right now Kyo is takin' me to da vet fur my arfritis and stuff. Later, we will light a candle to help you find the bridge before it gits dark, and we will put your picher in dis place. Go wif love. We will not furgit you.

They found a good place for your collar and leash,
and your toys are all set aside.
They made you a place in the shade of a tree,
and then they all sat down and cried.