
The Leash Of My Troubles

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

still waters run deep

Wail, I'm feelin' a little betr. Kyo took me to da vets almost two weeks ago, an' dey said my kidneys is failin' cuz I'm an old dog. You shudda seen Kyo. He gots perty upset. I gess he's usta havin me around.

So eber day Kyo puts me up onna table an' pokes a sharp needle in my back and water runs in. I let him do it, cuz he asks nice an it makes me feel betr.

Yesterday we went onna trip in our pickup truck, to a whole nuther town I never been to before. We met a really nice lady who listened to my innerds and poked me with weely little needles and petted me a lot. I liked her. I hope I gets ta see her again.

Anyway, I'm not frowin' up an' I like my food and I'm spendin lots of time with my friend Kyo. Today I gots a baf and Happy too. And here's a pitcher of me today when I got home from da baf and got onna table to gets my flooids. Dat guy in da pitcher is Dad.

Sniff ya later!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

I don't feel so gud

I habnt been feelin weely great fur a few days, at least inna mornins. I bin frowin up yeller stuff eber day inna mornin since munday. Kyo's been gibin me medsin and speshul fud, but taday I barfed an din Kyo put me inna kitchen where ders no karpit, while he wint ta git dwessed. An whin he came bak, I had peed and pooped onna floor.

Kyo said sumbuddy call Bill Cosby, we gots Jell-o puddin', but he didin laff. An he called da vet, and I gots to go to da vet tomorrow.

Dis suks, huh? Ting is, I been eatin' my fud real gud all week, and I don't seem sick. I just barf inna mornin' and now I gots da puddins. Kyo sez itsa tummyake. I tink it's incipient gastroenteritis. Wail, we'll see what da vet tinks.

Pray fur me! I wuv you ... sniff ya later.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Big Sleep

Wail me and Happy finally gots our weekly bafs at da vets taday. An' our houses and yards have been de-fleed. So we're taking a good nap -- goin' to da vet is stressout time, even just fur a baf. An a hole lotta fleez is takin' a nap too - a reel long nap.

Sniff ya later.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Gettin' Older

I needs ta tail you guys da truth. I'm almost ready for my fifteenf birfday. I can't see 2 gud enymore. Speshully at night. Sometimes I hab truble finding da cookie dat Kyo is holding in his hand. And if it's dark inna hall, and sumpin's in my way, I stop an can't find my way around it. And my hearing ... wail I can hear Kyo whistle if it's pretty loud, or if he claps his hands. Dats about it.

Sometimes, Kyo lays onna flour and puts his mouf right up to my ear and says he wuvs me an I'm his bestest fwend. An he sez long as we're together, eberthings gonna be alwite.

Tamorrow, I hope I'm gunna hab a baf at da vets. Kyo's sprayin' da yard cuz dere's lotsa fleas in da grass. I hates fleas.

But hey, I still luv my fud, if its got da good canned stuff in it. And I still likes tummy wubs an ridin in da pickup truck. Life is gud. An here's a new pitchr of me. Click it for the big size.

If you look in da reflecshun inna window, you can see Kyo's pooperskooper. An dats da name of dat tune.

Love and Kookies,
