
The Leash Of My Troubles

Saturday, July 30, 2005

ramblin dog

Tasha camper 073005
Originally uploaded by kylekimberlin.
I like to ride in my camper. It has soft carpet and a big waterbowl. We go all over da place.

Sniff ya later!

sniffin twees

sniffin twees
Originally uploaded by kylekimberlin.
Sometimes I gets ta go to da park and snif da twees. I like dat. See dat twee twunk behind me? I sniffed dat bout an hour ago. Maybe I'll sniff it agin tamorrow. God knows. I don't think Kyle knows, but maybe he duz.

Da wind is rufflin'my fur.

Don't wery, I wasn't weely off da leash. Kyle took it out in fotoshop. I can't see, so I'm not gonna run out after a cat or nuffin, but Kyle uses da leash to keep me from bumpin' inta things. Like twees.

Sniff ya later.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Happy Place

Happy Place
Originally uploaded by kylekimberlin.
Here's my fwend Happy, sittin inna chair an lickin' her face. Dis was taken on Kyo's birfday, May 31. We bofe needed bafs dat day, an Happy had been out inna grass rollin around. Dats whut she likes ta do. An dats why she looks like such a ruf muffin.

She's a perty gud fwend I guess. She always comes to da door to greet me and sniff my face. She sez come in come in, hab sum water an poop inna yard. Make yersef at home!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I Didin See No Dang Rainbows!

Rainbow Bridge?
Originally uploaded by kylekimberlin.

Wail, I gots to go fur a long a ride in my camper today. We went to Ojai again, to take me to da vet lady fur acupuncher fur my kidnees and stuff. The ride was gud, ‘cept the rode gits kinda bumpy sumtimes and it’s hard fur a little dog to keep a lookout thru da window. But I hads my bed ta lay on and da soft carpit and my bowl fur water. Pretty soon, we got dere, and had my treatment, which doesn’t have nuthin’ to do with treats, I tell you right off.

After dat, Kyo said we was goin’ to da store fur erbs to go in my fud. I like my fud da way it is, so I didn’t care ‘bout dis. But we wint.

We parked outside da store an Kyo gibs me sum water and pets my head and goes inna store, an I look out da window at da sign onna store. Holy Milkbones! Look at da picher! Kyo took me to da Rainbow Bridge an left me inna camper! Was I freakin’ out? Does a cat hab an ass?

They gots no shame at dis place. Look at da picher (you can click it for bigger) den look at dis web site. It just sum store, and dey call it dat? Where do dey git off scarin' all da aminals dat go by dere?

So after a cuple minites, Kyo came out an’ let me see da bottle of erbs and sniff it an we went home. But I don’t think I'm lettin’ dat buttlicker Kyo drive ta Ojai enymore, ‘cuz dere’s sumppin tweaked goin’ on, I tell you whut.

Snif ya later.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

weely sleepydog

Originally uploaded by kylekimberlin.
Here's a picher Kyo took of me last night when I was sleepin on my blue blanky in da libin room. I was pretty happy to hab it bak. It's bin inna laundry, but it's nice an clean now.

I'm feelin better an a little better ebery day. Kyo givs me my flooids an medisins an cookies. I gots soft places ta sleep an weely clean water. Since I gots sick, Kyo washes my bowls a lot more offin, and I gets bottled water which is pretty good!

I'm getin vewy gud cookies. People cookies like aminal krakers an nilla wafers. Dey are so much btr den Milkbonz, which I usta luv.

Wail, Im sleepy agin. Sniff ya later.