
The Leash Of My Troubles

Thursday, June 03, 2004

I'm still here

Wail, I habnt been writin' much lately I guess. It's been 2 months since I did. A lot has been goin' on.

I got a owie on my leg that wooden go away, an I had ta hab sergry on it. I had a banage on my leg for bout six weeks. Dats all dun now. I gots da stitchees out on Saterday, when Kyo took me to da vet. Dere is bit kitty kats in da vets place. Weely big kats.

Speekin of kats, I gots ta go fur a rode trip wif Kyo and da Mama, all da way up to da house inna woods, where da little boy lives wif da kats. We gots ta sleep inna motel room, an' we had ta poop onna leesh.

Today, Kyo's goin' back up dere agin wif Joe, but he sez I can't go dis time. I gots ta stay here wif my gramparents an da Happy dog. I gess I'm gonna miss Kyo, an heez gonna miss me.